Ask the Expert

Ask the Expert provides and opportunity for Community members to get their questions answered by expert practitioners in their areas of expertise. The questions and answers are compiled and builds up a valuable knowledgebase available to members anytime.

To access Information Exchange:

Login > My Activities : Ask the Expert
Login > Participate : Ask the Expert

Access to Ask the Expert requires a valid member login for access.

After a successful login, members are taken to a page where they can see:

  1. Links to
    – Ask question: ask question to subject matter experts
    – View questions: displays the questions that have been asked under each topic category, including answers when available
    – My questions: displays questions that the member has asked and answers when available
  2. List of topic categories and the number of subject matter experts available to answer questions

Ask a question

  • Ask the Expert is organized by topic Category.
  • To ask a question, click on a Category to display the Experts signed up to answer questions in the particular Category:
  1. Ask a question to a specific Expert, or 
  2. Ask all the Experts

When the question is answered, a notification is sent to the member.

View questions

View questions displays a list of the topic categories with the number of questions next to each one. Click on the specific category to display a list of the questions asked under them. Answers to the questions are also displayed where available.